HA: Scripts to check if archive logs are being shipped and applied to standby

1. Steps to check archive logs are being shipped and applied to standby.


A.  Check the status.

Note: Status should return valid for standby destination

set lines 500
column destination format a35 wrap
column process format a7
column archiver format a8
column ID format 99
select dest_id "ID",destination,status,target,archiver,schedule,process,mountid from v$archive_dest ;

Sample Output:

B. Check if any error is reported for archive dest.

 Note: Should not return any error messages

column error format a55 tru
select dest_id,status,error from v$archive_dest;

Sample Output:

C. Check the errors from dataguard status.
Note: Should not return any row.

column message format a80
select message, timestamp from v$dataguard_status where severity in ('Error','Fatal') order by timestamp;


A. Check MRP status and which block is being applied at standby database.

set linesize 230
select process,status,client_process,sequence#,block#,active_agents,known_agents from v$managed_standby ;

Sample Output:

B. Check the error for dataguard status
Note: Should not return any rows.

column message format a80
select message, timestamp from v$dataguard_status where severity in ('Error','Fatal') order by timestamp;